INSTRUMENTATION-RENTAL-CALIBRATION AND HYDROTEST VALVE In the Age of the Globalization, the need for services, especially trade, was very important and seeing the existence of a business opportunity today until the future is very much needed in its utilization. For that we ventured to open this business in utilizing natural resources in Indonesia for the prosperity of all components of the nation. PT. Sumber Teknik Indonusa is a company engaged in mining, trade and services, until now PT. Sumber Teknik Indonusa still exists in this field and will develop its wings and provide better service than before. Good cooperation, credibility, loyalty and honesty are the most important things for us to do business in this field. Our company is strong in exponentially diversifying energy for humanity, power, government, shareholders, society and the environment so that future generations can reap a bright future.
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INSTRUMENTATION-RENTAL-CALIBRATION AND HYDROTEST VALVEIn the Age of the Globalization, the need for services, especially trade, was very important and seeing the existence of a business opportunity today until the future is very much needed in its utilization. For that we ventured to open this business in utilizing natural resources in Indonesia for the prosperity of all components of the nation.PT. Sumber Teknik Indonusa is a company engaged in mining, trade and services, until now PT. Sumber Teknik Indonusa still exists in this field and will develop its wings and provide better service than before. Good cooperation, credibility, loyalty and honesty are the most important things for us to do business in this field.Our company is strong in exponentially diversifying energy for humanity, power, government, shareholders, society and the environment so that future generations can reap a bright future.
Menjadi perusahaan jasa yang maju dan berkembang perdagangan di arena bisnis nasional dan internasional dalam menghadapi persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif, antara lain dengan melakukan beberapa terobosan yang dapat bersaing dan bersaing. Terobosan yang dapat dilakukan adalah bekerjasama dengan swasta sektor dan pemerintah serta peningkatan kualitas dan pelayanan kepada konsumen.
1. Berpartisipasi dalam membangun negara dengan memajukan perdagangan di Era Globalisasi. 2. Prioritas untuk kepuasan pelanggan, meningkatkan kualitas produk dan Inovasi dalam Produk pembangunan. 3. Memperluas jaringan bisnis dengan perusahaan sejenis. 4. Menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam pelaksanaan yang akan memberikan akurasi yang tinggi. 5. Penempatan tenaga profesional yang handal sebagai dasar untuk pengembangan dan kemajuan perusahaan.
Kami merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang distributor instrument tambang bekasi terpercaya dan terkemuka. Produk yang Kami jual seperti fisher type 2500, regulator fisher, positioner pneumatic, safety valve, regulator gas, chart drive, pneumattic controller, presure sensor, barton chart recorder, control valve, fisher regulator big joe, dan lain lainnya.
STC Senayan, Jl.Asia Afrika LT.2 Ruang 35.Gelora Senayan Jakarta Pusat 10270 DKI Jakarta , Indonesia